Monday, January 3, 2011

Lip Combo #1

My current favorite lip combo is Shiseido PK327 lipstick, which is a pinky nude shade, with MAC A Quiet Roar lip gloss over, which is a white gold champagne color. The shiseido lipstick is very natural on my lips and I like how it adds a bit of pink without being to overwhelimg. I think the slightly mauve tint to the lipstick helps it to be a great everyday pink. The gloss adds a bit of shimmer and nice sheen to the lips to make this a fun day lip combo.

I have changed over from wordpress to Blogspot because I felt like I can connect to more people through this site than wordpress. And I promise to update on this blog more often and update you all on my favorite looks.

I plan on making my lip combo's of the day a daily thing. I am always changing up my lip colors and trying different combos out, so I love that I have this blog to share with you guys :)

xoxo Katie

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