Okay so another year is upon us and once again everyone is scrambling to find new resolutions to make or old ones to reconsider. I can honestly say that I have made many resolutions, but I have never stuck with them, Sure I say I vow to go to the gym more often, I may for like a month, but then it's good-bye gym hello Ben & Jerry's :)
This year I plan to make resolutions which consist of things that I actually enjoy, but would like to do more of....
1. I plan to blog more often. I love to write and get my thoughts and feelings down. I enjoy sharing my favorite items and looks with people, so I WILL devote more time to blogging and reviewing.
2. I want to start doing tutorials. I am no makeup artist, but I like making new looks and would love to share with you guys. This means I have to save up and buy a camera. So that is my goal, save enough money to buy a good camera for filming.
3. Use the makeup I have!!! I have tons and never fully enjoy it all because I am always buying more.
4. None makeup related. I must drink more water. It is such an important thing and even though this one may seem silly, it is really important to me. Atleast 6 cups a day, but 8 would be great :)
5. Read more! I have started and I must continue. No more starting a book and then finishing it months laterr!!!
So there are a few ideas I have for resoultions. Let's hope I stick to them!!!!
xoxo Katie
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